Contact / Directions
Volcano Rainforest Retreat B&B
Rob and Jennifer Owens
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 957 Volcano, HI 96785
Physical Address: 11-3832 Twelfth St., Volcano, HI 96785
(808) 985-8696 or (800) 550-8696
Email The Innkeepers
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Volcano Rainforest Retreat B&B’s
Bamboo Guest House Driving and Parking Directions
11-3800 Ruby Avenue Volcano, HI 96785
27 miles from Hilo Airport, approximately a 40 minute drive
103 miles from Kona Airport approximately a 2-1/2 hour drive
Take highway 11 to Volcano.
Turn onto Jade Avenue (between the 25 and 26 mile markers).
Take Jade Avenue to Twelfth Street (approximately 1 mile).
Turn right onto Twelfth Street.
Drive all the way down Twelfth St. to the corner of Twelfth St. & Ruby Ave.
Turn right onto Ruby Avenue.
Enter the first driveway on your right, marked by a sign, which says the Bamboo Guest House.
Enter the parking pavilion.
Call (808) 985-8696 to let us know you have arrived.
We will orient you to the Bamboo Guest House and Retreat grounds.
Volcano Rainforest Retreat B&B’s
Guest Cottage Driving and Parking Directions
11-3826 Twelfth Street Volcano, Hawaii 96785
27 miles from Hilo Airport, approximately a 40-minute drive
103 miles from Kona Airport, approximately a 2 1/2 hour drive
Take highway 11 to Volcano.
Turn onto Jade Avenue (between the 25 and 26 mile markers).
Take Jade Avenue to Twelfth Street (approximately 1 mile).
Turn right onto Twelfth Street.
Proceed to the arched cedar gated driveway on the right,
marked Volcano Rainforest Retreat Guest Cottage.
Drive up the driveway and park in front of the cottage because the overhead beam in carport is very low.
Call (808) 985-8696 to let us know you have arrived. If you don’t have a phone, walk over the path to the right as you face the Cottage door.
We will orient you to the Guest Cottage and retreat grounds.
Volcano Rainforest Retreat B&B’s
Forest House Driving and Parking Directions
11-3832 Twelfth Street Volcano, Hawaii 96785
27 miles from Hilo Airport, approximately a 40-minute drive
103 miles from Kona Airport, approximately a 2-1/2 hour drive
Take highway 11 to Volcano.
Turn onto Jade Avenue (between the 25 and 26 mile markers).
Take Jade Avenue to Twelfth Street (approximately 1 mile).
Turn right onto Twelfth Street.
Drive past the cedar-gated entrance, marked Volcano Rainforest Retreat Guest Cottage.
Drive past the next entrance, marked by the Volcano Rainforest Retreat sign and lava rock pillars.
Enter the next driveway by the second set of lava rock pillars marked entrance 11-3832.
Turn right, pull under the parking pavilion leaving enough room for another car to pull in.
Call (808) 985-8696 to let us know you have arrived.
We will orient you to the Forest House and retreat grounds.
Volcano Rainforest Retreat B&B’s
Sanctuary Cottage Driving and Parking Directions
11-3832 Twelfth Street Volcano, Hawaii 96785
27 miles from Hilo Airport, approximately a 40-minute drive
103 miles from Kona Airport, approximately a 2-1/2 hour drive
Take highway 11 to Volcano.
Turn onto Jade Avenue (between the 25 and 26 mile markers).
Take Jade Avenue to Twelfth Street (approximately 1 mile).
Turn right onto Twelfth Street.
Drive past the cedar-gated entrance, marked Volcano Rainforest Retreat Guest Cottage.
Drive past the next entrance, marked by the Volcano Rainforest Retreat sign and lava rock pillars.
Enter the next driveway by the second set of lava rock pillars marked entrance 11-3832.
Turn right and pull under the parking pavilion leaving enough room for another car to pull in.
Call (808) 985-8696 to let us know you have arrived.
We will orient you to the Sanctuary cottage and retreat grounds.